
5 Simple Ways to Get in Shape for Ski Season

Ski Season Starts Soon!

Discovering none of your gear fits after you are already on your ski vacation is a major disaster. Although you can always buy new gear, and in fact, might enjoy doing so, there are a few simple things you can do to avoid that expense. By taking a bit of time to prepare, you can insure that your entire ski season goes smoothly. One bit of advice I always have is to start out slowly. If you've spent your summer tied to your desk and not working out, don’t just jump into strenuous activity and go full tilt. Not only will it hurt, but you probably won’t stick with it or end up pulling a muscle. Don’t be macho. Scale your workouts to a comfortable level then really dig in and make the most of your workout time. If you have been active, take it up a notch early and be in even better shape for the slopes by adding in a few ski-specific strength exercises.

If you want to be successful, then like anything else in life, always start with a goal in mind. If your goal is to ski at a higher level, make sure that you train for that goal. If your goal is to make it through the season without as much soreness in year’s past, then you might have an easier task. Even for those who only ski a few times a year, starting with a goal such as being in shape enough to enjoy the day after skiing pain free, can be enough to inspire you. A close friend once started pre-ski season training with the goal of not having to rest after carrying her skis to the slopes. That’s a great place to start.

Consistency is the key to anything, so do what you need to keep it going. This always seems easier than it is, but will be key to your success and one I’m very familiar with in my life. I start out strong and motivated and after a few weeks find life interfering with exercise.  You need that consistency to meet your goals. Try to do something every day, even if it is something as minimal as walking for 20 minutes. On the other hand, don’t feel guilty if you do miss a day and just do what you can. Everyone is busy, so get over it. Find a way to work things in, even if it means bringing a change of clothes to the office, taking the stairs or going for a walk during lunch. If all else fails, I recommend hiring an expert to harass you. Sometimes it just takes an expert to get you moving. Or have a friend be the one that pushes you. Working out with a friend can be a great motivator. You can both bond through sharing a daily workout and telling each other how awesome you each are.  As your body changes and gets more in shape, most likely your significant other or spouse will tell you how good you look. That’s great motivation too. Once you hit the slopes you’ll be so glad you took the time to get in shape for ski season. You’ll look great and feel better, making for the best ski vacation