
Mountain Reservations: Opening Day on the Mountains

VacationRoost is watching the snow fall and getting anxious for all of the ski resorts to celebrate opening day. Here is what a few of our destination experts had to say about it: "Break out the 'beat up' board and get ready to hit a few of the runs that are open. Music, après and kicking off the season with friends will be in full effect." -Kristen Cherry "Opening day signifies the start of a new year in Colorado—new lines, new mountains, new tricks, new friends, true friends, powder days, face shots, 70 degree bluebird park days, bitter storms with bountiful payoffs, thousands of photos, video, late nights, early mornings, bad crashes, worse crashes, blood, sweat, tears, send it, stomp it, priceless!" -Scott Angus Be sure to check the opening dates of all your favorite resorts so you can be the first to hit the powder this season.